A user asked if they need to specify all options in a given trigger to be notified when the percentage of available machines goes below 49%. They do not need to include the session support, enabled, and maintenance mode metrics in the "To this state" field, as the trigger will look at metrics when the percentage falls below 49%. For a similar trigger, collection can help for the last 3 AND statements, and maintenance mode should be avoided as it gives a false level of availability.
Read the entire ‘Do I Need To Include All Options in a Trigger?’ thread below:
greetings citizens. for a trigger, do i need to specify all of these options? I want to know when % of available machine goes below 49% for servers (mutli sesion, etc). Do I need to include the session support, enabled, and maintenanc mode metrics in the “To this state” field as well, since those dont change?
Well, to be clear.. you need them in the “To” state.. but not the “from” state
You want to be notified when the % available machines goes to a state that is Less than 49%
Ah ok… So if it falls below 49% it will THEN look to see if its multiession, etc.. and then trigger
so like this:
You don’t even need the ‘from this state’ part!
oh! silly me.
The “from this state” part is most useful for if you want to go from a particular named status or something, to a different named status… Like, from status = idle to status = disconnected, or something like that
thank you!
you bet! 🙂
@member having the maintenance mode in the trigger defeats it purpose. If you put have ur servers into maintenance mode availability will be at 50% but ur trigger will not Trip
I think a ‘collection’ may help with that though, right @member?
Basically parentheses around those final 3 AND statements?
@member i have a similar trigger were I check the machine availability and the user load. As I don’t care if the availability gose below 50% if there is only 2 users per server. as there will not be an issue
if you include mainatance mode in the trigger it will give u a false level of avalibility
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