A user was having trouble getting hypervisor information from XenServer 8, and other members offered potential solutions. One suggested running a command on the Xenserver host, while another mentioned a known issue that will be fixed in an upcoming release. The issue is internally logged under VSO 219770 and should be resolved in versions higher than
Read the entire ‘Troubleshooting XenServer 8 Hypervisor Information with ControlUp’ thread below:
Hi, Anyone getting hypervisor information out of XenServer 8 ? It worked perfectly with Citrix HyperVisor 8.2, but now we get: SmartX.ControlUp.Hypervisors.ExtensionConnectionException: Error while collecting data.
Do you have access to the console of these servers?
If so, try this:
- On the Xenserver host – run xe host-list
- That’ll list all of the hosts
- For each host, run xe host-param-get uuid=1234-abc-ab param-name=other-config where 1234-abc-ab is the uuid returned from the first command
- Does the boot time returned by that command include a dot?
Sorry for the poor screenshot. But in this example you can see that the boot time is something like …787.42. There’s a logic issue in ControlUp that doesn’t handle the dot properly.
This will be fixed in an upcoming release. Or you can work around it by modifying the boot time.
xe host-param-set uuid=1234-abc-ab other-config:boot_time=1731934432
Where 1234-abc-ab is the uuid of your host and 1731934432 is the boottime value with everything after the dot cut off.
Granted this isn’t an easy workaround as you’ll have to apply it to every host. And it gets reset on restart
For reference (in case you decide to open a support ticket), the issue is internally logged under VSO 219770.
It should be resolved in any version higher than
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