A user asked about the intervals for the Session protocol latency metrics and how to change them. The team member replied that the historical data granularity changes over time and there is no way to change this. Automated data exports can be set up to store data in a different analytics platform. The relevant KB article can be found at https://support.controlup.com/docs/vdi-and-daas-reports
Read the entire ‘Understanding Session Protocol Latency Metrics in ControlUp’ thread below:
On Question regarding the Session protocol latency metrics . Normally i see a measured value every 5 min. But sometimes i see other longer time intervals here.
Question : Where can i set up this interval and why is it longer sometimes?
see attached screenshot for the normal 5 min interval
Hey Joerg, our historical data granularity changes over time. Let me see if I can find the KB article for that. But basically the further back in time you go, the bigger the gaps get. There’s no way to change this. If you want to keep smaller gaps for longer periods of time, you’ll need to setup automated data exports and store it in a different data analytics platform
It’s about halfway in this article https://support.controlup.com/docs/vdi-and-daas-reports
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