A user is interested in a ControlUp script to force an Intune Compliance Check on a Windows Device. While there is no official script available, it is a potential future roadmap item for Secure DX. Other users suggest creating a PowerShell script and setting it as an action on the device. A recommendation is made to include a check that ensures the correct components are installed on the device.
Read the entire ‘ControlUp Scripts for Intune Compliance Checks’ thread below:
Have you guys created a script to "Force an Intune Compliance Check" for a Windows Device
I know you’re asking about a script, and I don’t think there’s one from ControlUp (but maybe @member can comment), but I think it’s something we are looking at as a future roadmap item for Secure DX, although not committed yet)
Start-Process -FilePath “C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Intune Management Extension\Microsoft.Management.Services.IntuneWindowsAgent.exe” -ArgumentList “”
you could create a powershell script that you can set as an action to run on the devices
Hi Matt, ControlUp doesn’t offer a script to do this out of the box but you can create your own scripts and try the suggestion of Eugene. I would recommend building in a check to the script that it makes sure you have the correct components installed on the device.
$Shell = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application
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