Users discussed the possibility of automating the creation of ScoutBees for an on prem hive and integrating it with their ticketing system. It was mentioned that this feature was on the roadmap for q323 but never implemented. A ControlUp representative mentioned that the capability to use automation tools for installation will be available in about a week or two, while a feature allowing to connect the same Alert policy to multiple scouts in Q2 may also address their needs.
Read the entire ‘Automating Creation of ScoutBees with ControlUp API’ thread below:
I have a requirement to automate the creation of ScoutBees for an on prem hive and integrate it via webhook into our ticketing system, I have used the ScoutBees api and am able to create the scout but not the alert policy, am I missing anything with the ScoutBees API, I know I can pull alerts but can I create new policies?
I’ve been asking for this for years. It was on the roadmap for q323 but never happened. I’ll be interested to know what’s going on
@member for visibility.
Hi @member @member
Thank you for your feedback.
Are you asking about the capability to use automation tools to install customer hive on a host?
If yes, that is about to be release soon. In about a week or two we will enable this feature as a beta for small set of customers.
If you are interesting in trying this, let me know
My issue is the creation of alerts using api. I can create a scout using the API but then have to modify the alerting manually.
Thanks Paul
Would a capability to connect the same Alert policy to multiple scouts , using UI, will address your needs?
I am asking, because, currently, we do have this functionality on our plans for Q2.
Yes that would work for me. Thanks
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