The team discussed using custom reports to determine which device models to target for a refresh. They suggested exporting data to power Bi or creating a script to gather information, and mentioned the new Edge DX api. They also noted potential limitations with aggregation on the tenant side. A member asked for clarification on connecting multiple indexes in Power Bi. The conversation concluded with instructions for paging through data or using export.
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ControlUp Scripts & Triggers Training & Support Archives
ControlUp Script and Trigger training and support-related archives from inside the ControlUp Community on Slack.
Trouble with REGEX in ControlUp Triggers
Users are discussing using REGEX in triggers and one user asks for help from others who may have experience with this. There is also a link to a REGEX tester and an error is encountered. Some confusion arises around different versions and escaping values. There is a VSO and a workaround is suggested in the meantime.
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Automating Creation of ScoutBees with ControlUp API
Users discussed the possibility of automating the creation of ScoutBees for an on prem hive and integrating it with their ticketing system. It was mentioned that this feature was on the roadmap for q323 but never implemented. A ControlUp representative mentioned that the capability to use automation tools for installation will be available in about a week or two, while a feature allowing to connect the same Alert policy to multiple scouts in Q2 may also address their needs.
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Finding App Launch Instances on Endpoints with ControlUp API
A user asked how to find the number of instances of an app launched on endpoints over a specific period of time. Another user provided a Powershell script that can be used to retrieve this information from the ControlUp API. The script can be modified to change the start and end date-times. The response also included a screenshot of the values for "" for a demo tenant.
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Sending Email Alerts for ControlUp Folder Event Messages
The team discussed how to send an informational email alert when an event is triggered within the ControlUp folder. Different members offered their expertise and suggestions, including using the ControlUp Academy, creating a Windows Event Trigger, and incorporating a PowerShell script to format the email's body. Ultimately, the team concluded that ControlUp does not allow triggering actions based on informational events, but recommendations were made to run a scheduled trigger or use task scheduler to execute the script at regular intervals.
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How to Kill a Process in a User Session with ControlUp
A user asked for a script to kill a process in a user session, and was given suggestions such as using the Kill Process function in the ControlUp GUI or creating an SBA using Invoke-CUAction. There are also examples of such scripts available on the ControlUp Community website and a Citrix-specific solution called "LogoffCheckSysModules" was also suggested. For more information and examples, visit the links provided.
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Accessing Alerts in Edge DX
A member from ControlUp asked about role permission for accessing alerts within Edge DX. Another member replied with a helpful suggestion.
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ControlUp Scripts for Intune Compliance Checks
A user is interested in a ControlUp script to force an Intune Compliance Check on a Windows Device. While there is no official script available, it is a potential future roadmap item for Secure DX. Other users suggest creating a PowerShell script and setting it as an action on the device. A recommendation is made to include a check that ensures the correct components are installed on the device.
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Using Windows Event Based Triggers for Automated Actions in ControlUp
A user asked about the possibility of passing text/fields from a Windows event log message as arguments for a script action using the Windows event based trigger. Another user noted that this is not currently possible but can potentially be implemented in the future. They provided a link to a support document and explained how to access the necessary information using a sample event based object. Another user suggested using this feature for automated actions based on specific error criteria. Another option is to use built-in actions like reset VM which utilize the ControlUp service account for the hypervisor. ControlUp Academy may have more resources on this topic.
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How to Export DEX Audit Logs with ControlUp’s API
A user asked about exporting DEX Audit Logs and was directed to use API's to convert the data to any format desired, such as Excel. A link to the relevant API reference was also provided.
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