A user asked for clarification on deleting a single OR condition in an alert policy. A team member mentioned a past bug in the UI regarding this issue. Additionally, it was suggested that the default setting for alert policies with no configuration is to have only OR statements.
Read the entire ‘Deleting OR Conditions in ControlUp Alert Policies’ thread below:
When you create an alert with multiple OR conditions how can you delete just one of the OR? Seems the only way is to add an AND then delete it?
This sounds vaguely familiar. I think there has been a UI/usability bug in there along those lines. Will check
Did a quick test: if you start from a blank one, you can add any number of ORs without any trickery
However, if you add an “AND” it will put all the OR options within that condition group. If you just want OR statements, you will need to remove the AND statement. But that is by default the case when no alert policy is configured
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