This discussion was about creating a script to show who changed maintenance mode on Citrix machines and when, as well as potential logs for restarts, forced logoffs and MCS updates. The ControlUp Script Library already includes a script that shows log information, but users suggested modifications to provide more detailed information such as for maintenance mode changes. The discussion was in favour of this idea as it would allow for quicker learning of the why behind accidental maintenance mode changes. The Script Library URL is
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ControlUp Scripts & Triggers Training & Support Archives
ControlUp Script and Trigger training and support-related archives from inside the ControlUp Community on Slack.
How to Report and Alert on VM’s with System Event Source “Bugcheck”
It is possible to create an event trigger to alert on virtual machines (VMs) with system event source "bugcheck" through email (or webhook and a few other options). However, this would only work when the event is occurring, not for past events. If the event relates to a blue screen, the agent might be gone and it won't alert. To solve this, it is suggested to set a trigger when the VM status goes from error to ready and run a script to check for that event.
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How does ControlUp Agent Certificate Communication Work?
It was asked if a single certificate needs to be used across Real-Time Consoles, Monitors, and ControlUp Agents, with the Consoles and Monitors holding the private key while the public key is deployed to the Agents. Remediation can be automated for the agents with a GPO, and for the Console/Monitors with a supported PowerShell scripted provided by ControlUp. More information on agent certificate communication can be found at
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Reporting Poor Connections in ControlUp
A user asked for suggestions on how to report on user connections with poor latency, signal strength, and RTT. They could utilize the Network Dashboard to report on top bad latency, longest traceroutes, plus pull data from Configuration > Data > device_status and set alarms to alert on select fields. They can also export the data from ControlUp into MS Excel for more complex reporting. Futhermore, more features are in the roadmap to expand reporting in the future. Links to two articles were provided for more information.
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How to Deploy ControlUp Remote DX on IGEL Devices
A user asked about the best or newest way to deploy/update ControlUp Remote DX on IGEL. The Igel firmware release 11.08.230 includes ControlUp Agent and the user asked how to activate this feature. The user was given advice to move away from Real-Time but add them to Edge DX. As of 11.04 and earlier, the user was advised to use a custom partition. There is a bug that prevents the user from connecting after June last year, though. The user can download the ControlUp Remote DX Agent install script for IGEL devices using OS v11.05.152 and test it on OS v11.07.198.
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Troubleshooting the ControlUp Library Script “Notify Users Poor Wifi”
A user was trying to use the "Notify Users Poor wifi" script from the ControlUp library, but it was not working. A suggestion was made to check if 'Run in .NET (Preview)' is selected. @member, who had something to do with the script, provided a screenshot which showed the 'Execute script with .NET engine' checkbox.
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How to create an alert that will only fire on machines in a certain group and tag using ControlUp Solve \ Edge DX
A user was trying to set an alert in ControlUp Solve \ Edge DX based on a device group or tag, and needed to use the 'devices' index for this, but didn't think it would work as the platform is not part of this index. @member was asked to offer input until the user could take a deeper look, but it ended up working, with all alerts only being for Linux endpoints. The user is looking forward to the next version of ControlUp Solve \ Edge DX.
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Ideas for Reports Showing ControlUp Success in the Environment
The user was looking for a report which would show what ControlUp had been doing in their environment and to spot trends week-over-week. It was suggested that the Incidents Pane in the Realtime Console and the Environment Assessment report in Insights be used to look at performance-related data. Reports in Solve, documenting and highlighting successes for ControlUp, and automations enabled in the Automation Module were all suggested as well. Additionally, there is a new in-product report which will present data out of the box.
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Feature Request for Shorter Intervals in Maintenance Windows Feature
A user suggested having shorter intervals available for the Maintenance Windows feature - specifically, 5 minutes - in order to more quickly resume monitoring after routine server reboots. Ivan indicated he could submit this as a feature request.
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How does ControlUp report failed logins in the logon duration report?
ControlUp users were discussing how to determine failed logins for the Logon Duration Report, and the root cause of the issue: the Antivirus product scanning thousands of files stored in the Roaming profile. The current FSLogix release was mentioned to be 'trash', while UPM has been known to work better with one issue. Citrix has been asked to incorporate a work-around in a future UPM release to solve the issue.
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