Several users reported experiencing a page refresh every 30 seconds on Secure DX, even when Auto-Refresh was not enabled. Some users tested on different tenants and found that the refresh only occurred with Auto-Refresh enabled. After some troubleshooting and guidance from @member Joel, it was discovered that using the "empty cache and hard refresh" option in developer tools could fix this issue. It appears the refresh was caused by items left in local storage.
Read the entire ‘Issue with Page Refresh on Secure DX’ thread below:
Has anyone else noticed that Secure DX refreshes the web page every 30 seconds, even when Auto-Refresh is not enabled? This just started happening today for me.
I haven’t checked yet. But will report internally to see if there were any changes
Thanks. I wasn’t sure if this is related to the updates ControlUp did yesterday, or if my browser is acting up. I’m using MS Edge 132.0.2957.115
I tested this using MS Edge on my Mac mini, and when I go to the Apps tab on my Mac it doesn’t auto-refresh. On my Windows 11 PC the web page refreshes every 25-30 seconds. I tried deleting cookies to see if that made a difference, but it didn’t.
@member just tested on two different tenants and auto refresh off didn’t refresh
auto refresh on was every 60 seconds
I recorded a video of the whole screen refreshing every 30 seconds even though auto-refresh is turned off.
@member Joel raised it internaly
Hm, if the whole page is refreshing it’s outside secure dx, because secure dx is inside the iframe
but looks like a full page refresh and not the refresh functionality
Have you tried incognito?
When I go to in an InPrivate window it doesn’t refresh the whole page every 30 seconds. Google Chrome doesn’t either. I’ve tried deleting all relates cookies and restarted the Edge browser but it keeps refreshing the page every 30 seconds.
Let me check. I saw some internal chatter on this topic
With developer tools open (F12) on, can you right-click the refresh button and do an "empty cache and hard refresh" for the page?
Joel, that fixed it! I wasn’t aware of the ’empy cache and hard refresh’ in Edge. Thanks so much!!
Chrome has it too. It only appears with dev tools open. Regular clear cache typically leaves some stuff in local storage. This is the nuclear refresh 🙂
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