Users discussed updating the Repair Domain Trust script to be compatible with Windows 11 and asked for input from other members. They referenced the script from ControlUp’s VDI/DaaS action library and a solution from a third-party website. It was suggested to use the PowerShell cmdlet "Test-ComputerSecureChannel -Repair" and it was confirmed that it works on both Windows 10 and physical devices. The cmdlet can be found at
Read the entire ‘Updating the Repair Domain Trust Script for Windows 11 Compatibility’ thread below:
Has anyone been able to update the Repair Domain Trust script to work with Windows 11 yet?
I was very confused for a minute. Meet @member
@member might be able to provide an answer though
LOL. Yeah, different Jeff Johnson 🙂
Just making sure that we are all aligned here.
Jeff, you are talking about this script from our VDI/DaaS action library?
What is the error you are getting if you run it on Windows 11?
Eugene, have you tested it (without the parameter stuff from VDI/DaaS) and what are you seeing?
FYI this is the source of the original solution
The used cmdlets should all work with Windows 11, so before we start guessing, it would be good to understand what issue you are experiencing
Test-ComputerSecureChannel -Repair certainly works ok for me manually in Windows 11
@member does the command manually work for you and resolve the issue
Also tagging @member since he might have some experience with it (although the original script bits were from someone else)
I’m on Win 10. The Repair machine-domain trust relationship reported no issues to repair. A reboot fixed it. i tried to keep one in the error state, but I see it got rebooted.
Will this also work on physical devices ?
The PowerShell cmdlet it uses, namely Test-ComputerSecureChannel, will work on any Windows domain joined machine, as long as domain credentials are available for a user that can join a machine to a domain
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