A user asked if there was documentation for connecting Power Query and Power BI to their tenant for reporting. Another user shared a link to a ControlUp blog post on visualizing problem desktops with Power BI, but noted that the results may differ due to API changes. It was suggested to obtain an Edge DX API key from support for accurate results. A link to the guide for creating an API key was also provided. The original user has placed a support ticket for assistance.
Read the entire ‘Integrating Power Query and Power BI with ControlUp Tenant – Documentation and Support for Accurate Reporting’ thread below:
Hello! Is anyone aware of any existing documentation that walks through connecting something like power query and power bi to our tenant to build some reporting? I found this here https://www.controlup.com/resources/blog/visualizing-problem-desktops-using-power-bi/ but I don’t seem to get the same results and looks like the article might be slightly outdated.
Since I did the video, what different results are you seeing. We’ve been making some changes to our APIs so it could be related to that.
Do you have an Edge DX API key?
Hi Joel! I am getting a "couldn’t authenticate with credentials provided" error
I was able to generate the API key successfully in the control up portal for our tenant https://api.controlup.io/reference/how-to-create-api-keys
That key doesn’t work yet for Edge DX data I believe. To do what you see in the article and video requires an Edge DX api key talking to the Edge DX Api endpoint
To obtain a key, you will need to request that from support
Ah ok, that makes sense thank you! I have a ticket placed with support so I am hoping they can assist.
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