A user asked if they can use ControlUp to monitor RDSH sessions and reboot sessions or Thin Client devices if necessary. Kursten suggested to add the RDSH hosts to the console and set up a trigger with a filter for the logoff script action, and said Thin Client devices could be done via Edge DX. They pointed to the ControlUp Academy for recommended training and to a Use Case for instructions on creating a trigger. Kursten also suggested looking into IGEL ThinClients, which have a post session command to "reboot". The Academy link can be found at https://cuacademy.controlup.com/.
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ControlUp Edge DX Training & Support Archives
ControlUp Edge-DX training and support-related archives from inside the ControlUp Community on Slack.
Creating Toast Notifications With ControlUp Edge DX Scripts
A user asked about creating Toast Notifications with ControlUp's script for Edge DX. After getting an error in the script, they asked for help and received two examples from @member. It was also mentioned that BurntToast, a PowerShell module, could be installed and used with Edge scripts.
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How to onboard a Device with ControlUp’s Edge DX
A user was having trouble finding the agent download section on the ControlUp console. It was suggested to either go to the organisation's download section or devices which has a settings button for Edge DX. The user thanked the team for the advice and also gave some feedback on improving the menu button for better visibility. ControlUp have acknowledged the feedback and will look into it.
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What is the Changelog for ContrlolUp Edge DX Agent?
A user asked if there was a changelog available for the EdgeDX Agent, which can be found here: https://www.controlup.com/controlup-release-notes/.
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Investigating Discrepancy Between Blue Screens on Dashboard and Reports
A user reported discrepancies between blue screens shown on Dashboard and Reports which may be related to agents prior to 2.12.8. It was confirmed the machines have 2.12.8 installed and there were no filters set in the Dashboard. A fix to ensure accurate reporting for older agents is going in this weekend to address this issue.
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CPU Data Points Not Showing Any Service Processes in ControlUp
A member reported an issue where the data points on the CPU graph do not show any service processes. This is happening on all of Eugene's devices running Windows and macOS. ControlUp's support will check the issue and reach out to Eugene with a support ticket.
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Investigating Logic Monitor Hack Fallout with ControlUp Endpoints Isolated
In response to the Logic Monitor Hack in a development Org, the endpoints NICs have been disconnected to isolate them from each other and the internet, which may last for a total of 5 days. To investigate potential fallout, the new DEX console has been accessed and some Scoutbees have been disabled. ControlUp Monitors will not be collecting data as all endpoints have been isolated. For edge dx devices, these will keep collecting data while offline, and will ship that out once they have connection.
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Troubleshooting 0% CPU for Edge DX Endpoints
An issue arose where all CPU was 0% for a group of Edge DX endpoints with no data in the process_stops data index. It was postulated that a collection issue was the root cause, and as a first step the user was encouraged to restart the SIP agent and check the application event log.
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How to View Logs from BlueScreenViewer in ControlUp Edge DX?
A user asked for help running a script from ControlUp Edge DX, which was not producing any output. It was suggested to check the JSON output and the website link was shared for more info. It was also clarified that when running the script manually, the output showed Unhealthy - BSOD found. Finally, the new BSOD dashboard was mentioned and it is expected to go into production this weekend, which the user was excited to hear.
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How to push a ControlUp custom user action to machines via API call?
Does anyone know if there is a way to push a custom user action to machines via API call? We are running into an issue and we would like to run a user a...
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