A user reported that their device location does not always update in Edge DX, giving an example of their device showing work location after working from home for 18 hours. A suggestion was made to check if device’s public IP is changing when switching locations and checking the status of location services on the device’s OS. A link to documentation on device geolocation was also shared.
Read the entire ‘Troubleshooting Device Location Updates in Edge DX’ thread below:
I’ve noticed that the location of my device does not update sometimes in Edge DX. For example, I was at the office yesterday and my device location showed it was at the office. I put my laptop to sleep after work and today I’m working from home, but my device location still shows the office. My device was connected to the internet from home for 18 hours and every other data point was updating, cpu, memory, latency, etc. I killed sipagent.exe and restarted it, and that corrected the location. Any idea why the location is not updating?
When you hover your mouse over your location does it say ISP or Device ?
Do you have any 3rd Party software that could interfere with your location or block your location information ?
The location is from the device. I’m not aware of anything else that would interfere with the location information.
Hi @member, looking on this doc – https://support.controlup.com/docs/device-geolocation, it seems Edge DX will update the device location when meeting these conditions:
The following events trigger an entry in the report:
• A device’s public IP address changes. This can happen when a device changes to a different internet connection, or to a VPN.
• All network interfaces are disconnected on a device. In this case, Edge DX has no way to tell where the device is located.
• The location reported from a device’s OS changes. For Windows devices, Edge DX reports a new location only if the OS location changes by more than 250 meters.
• The status of Location Services changes on a device’s OS. For example, an entry is created in the report if Location Services is disabled, or if Windows can’t estimate a device’s position.
Can you pls check, if your device public IP is changing when you are home vs office? (via the Edge DX WEB UI and the actual computer, like whatsmyip.com?)
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