A user was trying to set an alert in ControlUp Solve \ Edge DX based on a device group or tag, and needed to use the 'devices' index for this, but didn't think it would work as the platform is not part of this index. @member was asked to offer input until the user could take a deeper look, but it ended up working, with all alerts only being for Linux endpoints. The user is looking forward to the next version of ControlUp Solve \ Edge DX.
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ControlUp Community Training & Support Archives
All training and support-related archives from inside the ControlUp Community on Slack.
Ideas for Reports Showing ControlUp Success in the Environment
The user was looking for a report which would show what ControlUp had been doing in their environment and to spot trends week-over-week. It was suggested that the Incidents Pane in the Realtime Console and the Environment Assessment report in Insights be used to look at performance-related data. Reports in Solve, documenting and highlighting successes for ControlUp, and automations enabled in the Automation Module were all suggested as well. Additionally, there is a new in-product report which will present data out of the box.
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Feature Request for Shorter Intervals in Maintenance Windows Feature
A user suggested having shorter intervals available for the Maintenance Windows feature - specifically, 5 minutes - in order to more quickly resume monitoring after routine server reboots. Ivan indicated he could submit this as a feature request.
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What Does the ‘ERR_BLOCKED_BY_RESPONSE’ Error Mean?
The 'ERR_BLOCKED_BY_RESPONSE' error occurs when response is delivered along with requirements from Chromium such as 'X-Frame-Options' and 'Content-Security-Policy' aren't met. It is speculated that Salesforce is setting HTTP headers that are blocking an action that Scoutbees is trying to do, likely due to Javascript running on the page not sourced from a Salesforce-approved location.
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How does ControlUp report failed logins in the logon duration report?
ControlUp users were discussing how to determine failed logins for the Logon Duration Report, and the root cause of the issue: the Antivirus product scanning thousands of files stored in the Roaming profile. The current FSLogix release was mentioned to be 'trash', while UPM has been known to work better with one issue. Citrix has been asked to incorporate a work-around in a future UPM release to solve the issue.
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Updated Knowledge Base Article on Connecting Hypervisors to ControlUp
Tim shared an update to the ControlUp knowledge base article on connecting hypervisors to the platform: the prerequisites for each type of hypervisor - including service account permissions - are now easier to find. The article can be found at https://support.controlup.com/docs/connect-to-your-hypervisors. Feedback and questions are welcome.
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How Much Additional Employee Workload Can We Expect from a ControlUp Edge DX Deployment of 1500 Devices?
A user asked about the workload accompanying an ControlUp Edge DX deployment, which would involve approximately 1500 devices. Installation of the agent via MSI is easy, as Edge DX is a SaaS application with no additional infrastructure or firewall rules needed. ControlUp Academy has free Edge DX administrator courses. The deployment should take less than 2 hours, but it is recommended that 1/2 a day be assigned for safety. The ControlUp Academy course can be found at https://cuacademy.controlup.com/edgedx-info/.
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How to Enable/Disable Maintenance Mode Script in ControlUp?
A user asked if anything special is needed to use the enable/disable maintenance mode script - it's only for on-prem Citrix and requires giving the service account the necessary rights. Citrix Cloud requires the Secure Access Account to have full admin rights. The script works great in RT Console and a user was having difficulty loading sanpin in Solve. The team will take a look tomorrow.
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How to Configure a ControlUp Alert Trigger for 90% of Maximum Index
A user asked how to set up an alert concerning the “Smart-X ControlUp Term License stack” with a trigger of 90% of the maximum available index. Dennis provided guidance to configure an alert if the licensed volume goes above the licensed volume using Splunk. The ControlUp version used is
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Investigating Unexpected Alert Triggers in ControlUp
A problem occurred when seemingly unrelated events caused the trigger monitoring the lab's pools to be reset and send off alerts. It seems to have been caused by a logged-out and then logged-back-in monitor service account. It is being investigated if something else forced the logout or if it is expected behaviour. To stop alerts from firing when the account signs back in, it is suggested to uncheck the "Include folders that were just discovered" checkbox. As the monitors use an in-ram database, if restarted the previous states are not remembered.
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