A user asked about a report to see how many systems were up during a period of time. The user was informed it can be found in the Sessions Count under Insights & Solve, including computers count for connected machines.
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ControlUp Insights Related Training & Support Archives
ControlUp Insights training and support-related archives from inside the ControlUp Community on Slack.
Using Insights to View Most CPU & RAM Consuming Applications Over Given Period
A user asked how to view the most CPU and RAM consuming applications for a user on a shared server in a single graph, using only Insights. ControlUp Solve Computer Trends can display this in two charts, but the user would like the same list in a single graph, over a given period, which is not possible with just Insights. A feature request for this has been suggested. The App Trends section can be used to view one process at a time.
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Customizing Widgets and New Analytics in ControlUp Solve
The conversation began with customers asking for the ability to filter applications in widgets, blacklisting or whitelisting them. ControlUp is now excluding ControlUp processes and allowing customization of widgets in the upcoming Solve release. In addition, there will soon be a new analytic report for machines with high CPU. Finally, users can use Export-CuQuery to create a workaround to get data on applications crashing or hanging.
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Finding Out About SSO Integration for ControlUp Products
A user asked about SSO integration with Solve and Insights, as well as the integration of Scout Bees and whether it is necessary to configure Solve and Insights separately with the IDP. The user was informed that Solve and Insight can be accessed via Solve, and that Insights will be ported over into Solve, with the data upload process and dependency on s3 being removed. An update is expected in about a week or two, and the user was advised to contact their CSM or sales team for more unofficial details.
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Investigating Delays for Dedicated Citrix MCS VDI
A user reported that all applications on their dedicated Citrix MCS VDI, which has 6xCPU and 64GB RAM for running Bloomberg and other heavy apps, have experienced delay, including mouse delays. It was suggested to check the latency Last metric in the RT console, or the latency metrics via the Session Details report in Insights. RemoteDX and Scoutbees were also mentioned as useful tools to check the endpoints network conditions and latency to the backend servers. A temporary license had been applied for to test these products.
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What ControlUp Trigger / Automated Actions To Use For CVAD Environments?
The user asked what automated actions people use for CVAD Environments and shared some of their go-tos. These included checking session state, trimming processes, adjustingpriority, and rescaling based on RAM. Another user shared their top AA use cases and suggested adding additional Automated Script based actions.
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Enhancing Historical Session States in the ControlUp Console
This discussion suggested adding a drilldown or popup when clicking on the "live" real-time session in Discovery Sessions in the ControlUp console, allowing for historical session states to be readily seen. Insights were discussed as well as the invoke-cuquery command with the mentioned session fields. Historical Reports can be found in Session Details of a specific session under the "right click" action menu. Following this conversation, a feature request was made with the Customer Success Manager for a historical reports drilldown from a drilled down machine, and a bug was identified in Solve.
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Can ControlUp Insight Access be Linked to AD Groups?
A user asked if it was possible to grant Insight access to users associated with groups in AD, similar to how Console access is granted. It was confirmed that access must be granted on a per user basis and that ControlUp is working on a new service including OAuth and Azure AD group integration.
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Troubleshooting “Click the Data Point for More Details” on Discovery, nothing happens
The user was having an issue on Discovery where they were unable to get detailed information after clicking "Click the data point for more details". It was confirmed that the machine had the agent installed and the same process worked with Insights. The issue appears to have been resolved.
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How to Configure Office 365 SMTP Server with the ControlUp Console?
A user asked whether the ControlUp Console could use the Office 365 SMTP for alerts. It was suggested to use the "local" SMTP, a cloud-based one and/or Gmail's SMTP. The user then tested in a lab with port 25 and found it to be working, subsequently confirming it with PowerShell outside of ControlUp. Thanks to @member for further insights, it appeared that port 587 on O365 was blocked. Title: Can ControlUp Use Office 365 SMTP for Alerts?
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