A user is experiencing an issue with ControlUp’s DEX feature, as it is showing 150+ billion total horizon machines. They ask for insights on where this number is being pulled from and mention potential issues with recent upgrades. Another user suggests checking the HZ Machines metric on the root level to troubleshoot. The conversation then shifts to a discussion about scripts to grab the numMachines from VMware.Hv.DesktopSummaryData.
Read the entire ‘Troubleshooting DEX Metrics for Horizon Environments on ControlUp’ thread below:
After no known reasons, stumbled upon when using DEX, DEX is showing 150+ billion total horizon machines. Not exactly a problem, but also not right. Any insights into where this number is being pulled from so i can do some further digging? Or is this a known issue/bug for Horizon environment monitoring? The rest of the metrics look accurate, processes, only showing 225 machines in the live grid, Pools, hosts, etc. (Only thing that I think could have affected this was our recent upgrades to vSphere environments that are connected to our Horizon environment) We have Horizon set up for each machine to have an Agent and a back end connection from ControlUp to the vCenter for Horizon.
Impressive. 😂
Wait until the bill for licenses arrives.
Congrats on managing 150 billion machines 🙂
As far as I can tell, the metric is taken from folder metrics. More specifically the HZ Machines column on the root of the organization.
Which should be an aggregation of all your pools. Taking the value numMachines from here.
I’d suggest:
• Open the console
• Connect to your Horizon site(s)
• Check the HZ Machines metric on the root level
If that numbers is 150 billion, check the underlying pools by focusing on the Horizon connection. Or if you have multiple, focus on the EUC environments item.
Looks like our console is correct, just the problem in DEX. And found some other metrics attached to Machines in DEX also showing large amounts.
HZ Machine from Root.
Can you log in to a monitor and run:
“`$monPath = ((Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\cuMonitor").imagepath).replace("\cuMonitor.exe",$null).replace(‘"’,$null)
get-Item "$monPath\powershell.dll"|import-module
Invoke-CUQuery -Table Folders -Where "hzMachineCount != 0" -Fields Name,hzMachineCount,Path | select -ExpandProperty data“`
and either send the output here or DM it to me?
@member do you happen to have a script laying around that grabs the numMachines from VMware.Hv.DesktopSummaryData perhaps?
I’m curious what the Horizon API returns.
not too easy actually first you need to connect
$hvservice = (connect-hvserver servername).extensiondata
than get all pools using
$poolqueryservice=new-object vmware.hv.queryserviceservice$pooldefn = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryDefinition$pooldefn.queryentitytype=’DesktopSummaryView’$poolqueryResults = $poolqueryService.QueryService_Create($hvservice, $pooldefn)$pools = foreach ($poolresult in $poolqueryResults.results){$hvservice.desktop.desktop_get($poolresult.id)}$poolqueryservice.QueryService_DeleteAll($hvservice)
after this you need to do a foreach to get the details I shortened it so you get pool name, displayname, nummachines and numsessions
foreach($pool in $pools){($hvservice.desktop.desktop_getsummaryview($pool.id)).desktopsummarydata | select name, displayname, nummachines,numsessions}
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