There was a discussion on an issue with accessing VDI in ControlUp One after disabling certain log in method. It was suggested to check permissions and add DEX user to Controlup admins. Another option is to enable the "sign in to VDI… with LDAP" checkbox. Possible solution is detailed in the article Suggestions were given to check C:\windows\ServiceProfiles\NetworkService\AppData\Roaming\ControlUp\cuMonitor.log for monitor name that handled the request.
Read the entire ‘Troubleshooting VDI Access in ControlUp One’ thread below:
Tried disabling VDI log in method and now I can’t access VDI in ControlUp One.
I have that permission on RTC
and I added my DEX user to Controlup admins.
what did I miss?
Is the UPN the expected value?
All i did was uncheck this box and add my acct to RTC
There’s a few options.
• Login in with a method that gets a UPN. Which is pretty much only SAML (if your identity provider is configured to send the UPN)
• Enable the "sign in to VDI… with LDAP" checkbox. Though you will be prompted for (Windows) credentials
• Assign permissions to email addresses and/or DEX roles
Oh sorry, I misread your first screenshot
BTW, I’m on the beta 9.1
You already assigned permissions to your email address
I tried to follow this:
i think i found it.
• If you sign in to DEX with OAuth or a username and password, then you must enter a UPN and password to access your VDI environment. If ControlUp detects multiple AD users connected to your UPN, you can select which user to use. Your selection is remembered the next time you sign in.
That shouldn’t be needed with the "sign in to VDI… with LDAP" checkbox unchecked
Can you check C:\windows\ServiceProfiles\NetworkService\AppData\Roaming\ControlUp\cuMonitor.log on your monitor? I’ll DM you the monitor name that handled this request.
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